Welcome to the 14-Day Challenge Comments
This is a private page for participants of the 14-day Challenge. It’s meant to be a safe and respectful place to support us in our journey toward cultivating happiness and joy.
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When you first log in, you might want to share what’s motivated you to join the Challenge, or – any insights you had from the personal reflection questions.
Dagmar · April 4, 2022 at 3:56 pm
I had a big problem with the last meditation as I mentioned yesterday in the Sunday meditation. Thank you Christine that there was space to talk about this.
After Sunday meditation yesterday I sat down and brainstormed about my good actions during the different times of my life and after a while, I found a lot, even in my younger years. So I start now with the third meditation, make some private changes in visualization and it works much better.
I really was confronted with my blockages during these 14 days!!!
All in all, I am happy that I did the challenge and learned a lot from Christine who really has such a sympathetic and heartful way to guide people. To be honest I needed the three zoom meditation sessions as I needed the personal exchange and not only contact by words. I am very glad, that I have met Christine (:-))
Christine · April 3, 2022 at 5:18 pm
Translation of Emilie’s comment: From Emilie
Oh, it is supposed to be my “conclusion comment”….
It was such an abundance of precious “guidance” through Christine’s mails (deepest THANKS) together with very challenging events that touched me deeply and kept me very “on my toes” every day, so inside as outside totally, sometimes chaotically, just inescapably there – impossible to share all this here.
I had talked about a “melody” as an inner experience in my commentary quite at the beginning in this challenge and I noticed that this stayed with me. However, I could often only perceive it very timidly-quietly still in me, sometimes happy – carrying, sometimes no longer at all, until I could then “connect” again.
I want to keep it and take care of it, because it is my bond to these precious two weeks with all that I was allowed to learn and experience and feel.
There were times when I, for example, got extremely stuck in a very old wound to the point that my heart closed and I was ashamed of myself to think like that, to evaluate, there was nothing left of joy and gratitude, only thinking I could remember. Like a miracle for me was then more often, what a sooo perfect “related to my situation” next mail content from Christine touched me deeply and brought a wave of openness, insights, relief even in the very everyday activities with it, the “melody” again sooo vividly felt and the TRUST could grow again further, that there is still so much to discover and heal and that for everything there will be an impulse.
I will “do” the challenge again and incorporate the meditations in my daily practice, it is so essential for me, what I was allowed to experience here – a thousand THANKS, also for your so valuable, honest comments, we have also become a small imaginary “network”, right?
Emilie · April 3, 2022 at 4:57 pm
Oh, es soll mein “conclusion-Kommentar” sein… , es war solch eine Fülle an kostbarer “Führung” durch Christine´s Mails (zutiefsten DANK) zusammen mit sehr herausfordernden Ereignissen, die mich tief berühren und mich jeden Tag sehr “auf Trab” hielten, also Innen wie Außen total, manchmal chaotisch, einfach unausweichlich da – unmöglich, dies alles hier zu teilen.
Ich hatte bei meinem Kommentar ziemlich am Anfang von einer “Melodie” als inneres Erleben in dieser Challenge gesprochen und ich habe gemerkt, dass mir dies geblieben ist. Allerdings konnte ich ich sie öfter mal nur sehr zaghaft-leise noch in mir wahrnehmen, manchmal beglückend – tragend, manchmal gar nicht mehr, bis ich mich dann wieder “anschließen” konnte. Ich will sie mir bewahren und mich darum kümmern, denn sie ist mein Band zu diesen kostbaren zwei Wochen mit allem was ich lernen und erfahren und empfinden durfte. – Es gab Zeiten, wo ich zum Beipiel extrem in einer sehr alten Wunde steckengeblieben bin bis dahin, dass mein Herz zu ging und ich mich vor mir selbst schämte, so zu denken, zu bewerten, von Freude und Dankbarkeit war nichts mehr zu spüren, nur denkend konnte ich mich erinnern. Wie ein Wunder für mich war dann öfter, welch ein sooo perfekt “auf meine Situation bezogener” nächster Mailinhalt von Christine mich zutiefst anrührte und eine Welle von Öffnung, Erkenntnissen, Erleichterung selbst im ganz alltäglichen Tun mit sich brachte, die “Melodie” wieder sooo lebendig spürbar wurde und das VERTRAUEN konnte wieder weiter wachsen, dass es noch so viel zu entdecken und zu heilen gilt und dass für alles ein Impuls da sein wird.
Ich werde die challenge gleich nochmal “machen” , und die Meditationen in meine tägliche Praxis mit einbauen, es ist für mich so essentiell wichtig, was ich hier erleben durfte – tausend DANK, auch für eure so wertvollen, ehrlichen Kommentare, wir sind auch ein kleines imaginäres “Netzwerk” geworden, nicht wahr!?!
Judith · April 3, 2022 at 10:16 am
Dear all,
my family and myself were ill with Corona during all of the challenge. Today, the last day of this challenge is the first day for all of us being able to leave the house. So, finally it is all joy, even though it was at times a challenge just to follow along.
To me it was most important was to know, there will be another mail in the morning, this kind of routine and encouragement. And even though I was weak, it was the highlight of the day to meditate and experience the mind shift.
Thank you for this precious gifts and the moments of joy, as a routine for every day.
Patricia Best · April 1, 2022 at 2:54 pm
“What’s different for me, as I infuse my mind and heart with all the goodness and kindness of myself and others?”
The gift you offered was right on target. I was noticing this morning that looking in the mirror at myself, I’m seeing a fresh lightness in how I view my physical self… and therefore that means my mental attitude has changed because that’s where it all starts, isn’t it?
Also, a few friends got together for dinner at a real ‘full service’ restaurant and then to see Never Forget Tibet in a real theater. I realized how wonderful it was to be amongst, not only friends, but with the many people around us. This morning, what came to mind was ‘people who need people’, sang by Barbara Streisand.
Christine · March 31, 2022 at 7:26 am
Here’s Gisela’s post in English:
Unfortunately, I’ve been very busy with an art tender for the last few days, which I was fortunately able to send off yesterday. I meditated twice a day and wrote down my experiences every day, but I didn’t make it here on this platform anymore. But today I want to try it: the meditation of remembering happiness has challenged me a lot more than the meditation of feeling gratitude.
I live in the country, in the middle of a very large garden and when I feed the birds in the morning, everything I see and hear and smell fills me with great gratitude. For days I’ve been keeping a list of the gratitudes in my life and I’m amazed at the wide variety. Last night alone in the sauna outside in the garden, with the door open, I suddenly felt grateful for my parents (was buried for a long time and only the strongly negative memories of psychological destruction by them were present and tormented me), but now many moments of happiness came up, which I also experienced together with them and I felt great gratitude for a lot of what they did for me, even if it wasn’t necessarily what I wanted and needed. These feelings were very intense and I consider it a great gift to be able to have my parents with me again, to be able to love them and to feel loved by them as well. However, I will continue to try to heal the damage caused by her.
In the meditation I got a glimpse of the infinite space that remains untouched by the thoughts, feelings and fears that are ephemeral, bubble up like bubbles and pass away. It is comforting to be able to continue to practice this. Practicing trust in life, which actually triggers happiness, has become important to me. I try to practice this every day, despite some scary threats coming my way. But my attempts to develop that confidence makes me smile and feel happy.
The Pact: What would I do if I only had a year to live, I made and hope to remember, daily. It’s still hard to really be there in the present moment, thoughts are racing into the future and the past, but I can feel what it can be like to stay more and more in the moment. Today after the morning meditation I was able to feel reasonably stable Gratefulness and Remembering Happiness exercises in the day, however, I received an email in the afternoon that plunged me into very painful depths and it was difficult to deal with my very negative feelings, which also shamed me. I reacted to my friends’ mail with such force of envy and jealousy that I was very shocked. I know that this is a weakness and a habit of mine that is very damaging to me and to others.
My partner said Tonglen (Buddhist practice) would help, so I tried that. Maybe Christine can talk about comparing with others that goes along with jealousy and envy. And then I read Sandra L Brown’s story about her mother in Psychology Today, which Christine sent, and I was so touched that something changed inside me, I don’t know what yet, but it has something to do with gratitude and to do humility.
The statement by Father David Steindl-Rast was also important to me:
Anxiety is narrowness and the opposite of fear is trust in life.
Gisela Hellinger · March 30, 2022 at 6:38 pm
Leider war ich in den letzten Tagen sehr intensiv mit einer Kunst Ausschreibung beschäftigt, die ich glücklicherweise gestern abschicken konnte. Ich habe zwar zwei mal am Tag meditiert, täglich auch meine Erfahrungen aufgeschrieben, aber hier auf diese Plattform habe ich es nicht mehr geschafft.
Aber heute will ich es versuchen: Die Meditation der Erinnerung an Glück hat mich sehr viel mehr herausgefordert als die Meditation Dankbarkeit spüren. Ich lebe auf dem Land, inmitten eines sehr großen Gartens und wenn ich morgens die Vögel füttere erfüllt mich alles was ich sehe und höre und rieche mit sehr großer Dankbarkeit. Seit Tagen führe ich eine Liste der Dankbarkeiten in meinem Leben und bin erstaunt über die große Vielfalt.
Gestern Abend allein in der Saune, die draussen im Garten steht, bei offener Türe, habe ich plötzlich eine Dankbarkeit für meine Eltern empfunden (war lange verschüttet und nur die stark negativen Erinnerungen an psychischer Zerstörung durch sie waren präsent und haben mich gequält )Aber jetzt kamen sehr viele Moment des Glücks hoch, die ich auch zusammen mit ihnen erlebt habe und ich empfand große Dankbarkeit für vieles was sie für mich getan haben, auch wenn es nicht unbedingt das war was ich wollte und brauchte. Diese Gefühle waren sehr intensiv und ich betrachte es als großes Geschenk, meine Eltern wieder bei mir haben zu dürfen, sie lieben zu können und mich auch von ihnen geliebt zu fühlen. Trotzdem ich weiter die Schädigungen durch sie versuchen will zu heilen.
In der Meditation habe ich ein Ahnung von dem unendlich großen Raum bekommen, der unberührt bleibt von den Gedanken, Gefühlen und Ängsten, die vergänglich sind, wie Blasen hochblubbern und vergehen. Das weiter zu praktizieren zu können ist tröstlich.
Das das Vertrauen ins Leben zu üben, das Glück eigentlich auslöst ist für mich wichtig geworden Ich versuche das täglich zu üben, trotz einiger kommenden mir angst einflößenden Bedrohungen die auf mich zukommen.
Aber meine Versuche dieses Vertrauen zu entwickeln lässt mich lächeln und l Glück empfinden.
Den Pakt: Was würde ich tun, wenn ich nur noch ein Jahr zu leben hätte, habe ich geschlossen und hoffe mich zu erinnern, täglich.
Im jetzigen Moment wirklich da zu sein, fällt immer noch schwer, die Gedanken rennen in die Zukunft und in die Vergangenheit, aber ich spüre wie es sein kann, mehr und mehr im Augenblick zu verweilen.
Heute nach der Morgenmeditation konnte ich mich einigermaßen stabil mit
Gratefulness und Remembering Happyness Übungen in den Tag begehen, habe ich allerdings am Nachmittag eine mail bekommen, die mich in sehr schmerzhafte Tiefen abstürzen ließ und es war schwer mit meinen sehr negatives Gefühlen umzugehen, die mich auch beschämten. Ich hatte auf die mail meiner Freunde mit einer solchen Wucht von Neid und Eifersucht reagiert, dass ich sehr erschrocken bin. Ich weiß, dass das eine Schwäche und Angewohnheit von mir ist, die mir sehr schadet, auch den anderen. Mein Partner meinte Donglen (buddhistische Übung) würde helfen, das versuchte ich.
Vielleicht kann Christine einmal über das Vergleichen mit anderen, dass mit Eifersucht und Neid einhergeht sprechen.
Und dann habe ich die Geschichte von Sandra L Brown über ihre Mutter in “Psychology today” gelesen, die Christine schickte, und war so tief berührt, das in mir etwas verändert wurde, ich weiß noch nicht was, aber es hat etwas mit Dankbarkeit und Demut zu tun.
Wichtig war mir noch die Aussage von Pater David Steindl-Rast:
Anxiety is narrowness und the opposite of fear is trust in life.
Christine · March 30, 2022 at 3:08 pm
I’m very touched reading everyone’s posts. Thank you, thank you for sharing how it’s going for you – even in the stuck places. It’s a valuable feedback that shows me the meditations and teachings can really have an effect.
While preparing the meditations and teachings in the past months, I also landed in some difficult places, with old grief coming up, as well as my extremely low energy levels. And I did discover this quality of the sky – a basic trust that it will come out all right and I don’t have to wrestle everything down to get some sense of control.
Bless you for finding the courage and openness to consciously cultivate gratefulness and joy! Not “in spite of everything” but – “in light of everything”.
I hope you enjoy the third meditation you received today. . .
sally · March 30, 2022 at 2:56 pm
Doing the meditation for gratefulness outside worked the best for me. I am committed to doing this last part fully. Savoring. increasing awareness of how I feel . Letting my heart open and rest. I’m excited to see if I can hold on to the practice through some challenges I’m facing… minute by minute.
Happy to be here
Ryūmon · March 29, 2022 at 9:51 pm
Hello Friends, I am here because in the midst of present circumstances, personal and global, needed to put Gratefulness & Joy front and center. Deep appreciations to you Christine for orchestrating this delicious feast! Thank you for the Gifts (though witnessed not drawn to open exercises on despair), especially George Winston (whom I saw play this piece in person) & Rafael Rojas! And thank you to all of you joining this pilgrimage of the heart. The first 5 days what was different for me in Remembering Happiness was that indeed multitude joy moments floated in the mind. On Day 1 the joy of starting something new. Being with the group Sunday evening felt uplifting, connected and warm. Day 2 began with coming out of my room before dawn to lead meditation and the moon-shy of a sliver-was smiling at me! That late morning, engaging the meditation, the image brought great happiness. As the day proceed though, a radical shift happened and my nervous system dropped into Dorsal Vagal, with loss of energy, grief, despair and overwhelmed. Everything just felt hard. Stayed up late completing a long-overdue task, yet no happiness:-(. The following days, very intense work commitments which contributed to not doing the meditation on Day 3, and very late on Day 4 & 5. Though experienced a bit of happy energy, it felt clouded. With the Presence of Gratefulness meditation on Day 6, another shift. This time gratitude began to flow; for my beloved, other people, animals, places, objects, and most of all this very body. Felt energy re-aligning moment to moment through Days 7, 8, 9, and today, Day 10, truly felt deep, deep joy in the body. A lightness of heart, an ease of connection with others around me, and a clear mind. Still experiencing this as I write these words. And finally, the motivation to share with you all! Palms Joined.
Lorraine Carolan · March 29, 2022 at 9:33 pm
When I first joined the Sunday meditation group it was with the intention of developing a daily practice. With this Challenge, that goal becomes doable. These short, contained meditations have helped me organize my mind as well as give form to the days. It seems that my time has expanded rather than been constrained.
Some quote posted recently recommended that we slow down, notice. In my forest walk yesterday, I recalled that advice and stopped in my rapid uphill pace, and .noticed: my breathing, the air , the trees, the blooming and the decay.. There at my feet was the tiniest of purple orchids growing hopefully out of the rotting understory duff.
I thank you, Christine for the opportunity to do this. I thank everyone for your contributions and gratitude for the All of it.
sally · March 29, 2022 at 3:30 pm
Last night I had a breakthrough. The storm of my anger and underlying fear broke, and I experienced a deep sense of gratitude. The message was that I believed that I needed the fear and anger to be safe. Through the support of a loving friend, I found acceptance for my feelings, and even a little forgiveness ( I think that will be a process for me). And maybe the biggest gift was a renewed commitment to this path and a kernel of TRUST that the Universe really does bring me what I need. I can rest more easily. I think the meditation is working in me. Thank you Christine
Dagmar · March 29, 2022 at 12:08 pm
The penny dropped, I have a silent smile on my face.
The gift: Rafael Rojas sings Nessum Dorma, in a UK shopping mall – was so wonderful I could not stop listening and searched for other interpreters of Nessum Dorma – I spent two hours in front of my computer and was so happy. I will go to the opera again as soon as it is possible!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a joy, that I can do it.
Ryūmon · March 29, 2022 at 9:56 pm
Opera = JOY – I’ll meet you there!
Dagmar · March 28, 2022 at 5:38 am
I am so grateful for the Sunday Meditation yesterday because I struggled with my situation since last Friday. Within 2 weeks I caught two viruses, felt very weak and ill, and could not feel joy but disappointment.
Gisela asked Christine yesterday about two levels of existing parallel in her. I was so thankful that she did it. That was exactly my problem: on the one hand, I liked the meditation, all my senses beautiful nature at the moment, on the other hand, I disliked my weakness again and again and again. Your answer, Christine, was so wonderful, it will help me through my days: my joy is the sky and my weakness is the cloud. Thank you Christine for your wisdom of life and your wisdom of the teachings!!!!!! (:-*)
Joan · March 27, 2022 at 5:27 pm
Here’s a comment Joan asked me to post: I am very appreciative of these teachings. I can easily find happy memories and find gratitude for each day. Because of chemotherapy and a painful hip, I have temporarily lost my “go to “ joy -walking dancing gardening, but I can still sit in a chair and dance to express. The inner advice is “don’t compare” – don’t compare my joy and happiness with another. Don’t compare joy and happiness that I have felt in the past or will feel again. When I can’t feel big joy, rely on peaceful heart, a soft quiet love and extend that to all beings. Sometimes life presents a struggle and we just do the best we can.
Emilie · March 27, 2022 at 3:28 pm
It was a really, really busy week… and the daily inspirations were sooo helpful, I´m very grateful !!!! So only a few spotlights in the fulness of all various experiences:
I can´t heal, cannot be helpful for others with thoughts and feelings of sorrow!
Realizing lots of my barriers against joy ( even as physical phenomens like skin, metabolism… – ) or getting stuck in old inner wounds…
Again and adain making the decision: Find back to the inner experience of gratefulness and joy (the meditations are great! Thank you for even in German!!!)
Train my awareness for the present moments: Where are you in your thoughts right now? – Yes, Christine, I think it´s true: If we change our feeling, we can change our life, but is my first step to change my thoughts?
On the other hand, I was very astonished how many happy experiences came up in the meditation, from long ago and which I had completely forgotten!
So thank you so much dear Christine, for your tremendous work with all the precious texts and gifts( so wonderful!) and ideas!!!!
( To all of you: Hope you can understand my terrible English, sorry)
sally · March 27, 2022 at 2:31 pm
I am in a place of darkness. It’s interesting to have this personal challenge during our challenge! What a wonderful opportunity to explore how to infuse some gratitude into my heart and soul while my mind is running amok with angry thoughts. I’ll let you know how it goes. Savoring is such a useful tool in cultivating appreciation…what a gift
Patricia Best · March 27, 2022 at 1:15 pm
I have begun to see how gratefulness comes out of having experienced many losses and recognized the preciousness of those that allow a new beginning.
In those times, although they were unexpected or knowing that things had changed, I began to see that such conflicting emotions gave time to understand more clearly my own part in each. It became time not to close down but to open up. It’s an opportunity to look at how life truly is… that it’s not static but a vast expanse of constant changes.
These began to offer a deeper understanding of what I thought would last forever and to be grateful for those times of clarity. As I recall some of those losses I am grateful to those who were a part of my journey to my spiritual path.
Christine Longaker · March 25, 2022 at 7:47 pm
Here’s Gisela’s message from today in English:
Thank you to everyone, especially Christine, who gave me compassion and helpful advice.
My health is now better. I am very grateful for that.
On the first day of the challenge, I found 2 situations in my life that always bring happiness and lightness to me. The meditation with Christine went very well and that made me feel much better anyway. A problem arose, also for the next few days, that I couldn’t hold these short moments of happiness and my mind kept running on to bad experiences that existed in this life cycle. I keep trying to bring him back. I was shocked that I could only remember 2 moments, something like, was my life so joyless?
Because at the beginning of the challenge my depression, which also created hate in me, was so strong, I could not pass on the good, the joy, to friends etc., I was petrified and a little ashamed.
Basically, I managed to remember the daily moments of happiness again and again on the 2nd day. But it always stayed with these two moments of happiness.
But I had trouble recalling these moments clearly in meditation, but other memories of happiness or well-being from my life crept in dimly.
3rd day so far the most unpleasant, with recurring very unfortunate shadows. the still two moments of happiness faded as if worn out.
Tried to pull myself out of the depressive swamp, against the sky (love that idea).
On the 4th day I noticed that if I install the joy after meditation and stay seated, I like myself a lot more. That’s a great feeling.
Day 5. During the meditation I felt for a moment that the fears and depression are temporary and that the feeling of happiness is located above everyday problems. (similar to the relative and the absolute in Buddhism) I had an idea for the first time, that joie de vivre and happiness are actually always there.
Day 5 brought me the realization that feelings of happiness have arisen in my life so far. I was amazed and actually had completely different ideas about myself and what I need for my happiness and my joy.
Now I’m curious about Day 6 with a new meditation.
May everyone experience happiness and joy during these two weeks.
Patricia Best · March 27, 2022 at 1:16 pm
Gisela’s, Simply precocious! Thank you for sharing.
Patricia Best · March 25, 2022 at 6:25 pm
Chistine, thank you for the gift of the dancing nuns. It was filled with happiness, joy, lightness all rolled into movement and smiles. I have played it several times and found that’s one way to ‘install’ the anti-virus program ~:0)
Eithne · March 24, 2022 at 10:05 am
I noticed many happy memories, some tinged with sadness and sometimes fear. However if I stayed with my feelings I noticed more happy moments than I thought I had.
Birgit · March 24, 2022 at 8:27 am
Already day 5…Thank you, Christine, this is a very interesting and moving experience! I noticed , that with memories of happiness arises a lot of pain and a lot of tears, which is a sort of joy also: the joy of relief…This mornig, after I opened my eyes after the meditation, a music started, a quiet and springlike peace of Haydn, which was somehow connected in the computer to the meditation download. I stayed and listened and it was a beautiful completion…I just tried to put it in here for you, but this seems to be not possible.
sally · March 23, 2022 at 10:48 pm
I noticed the first three days that I could remember joyful events, but couldn’t re-experience the feelings. I tried today to just get a felt sense of joy, and several examples appeared. I also added imagine… imagine your heart filling with joy and happiness… and that worked beautifully! And thoughts of being in Nature bring an immediate smile.
Thank you Christine.
SallyTeegarden · March 23, 2022 at 3:57 pm
I have been working on changing my thoughts to change my experience of the world. Cultivating Joy and Happiness are a perfect compliment. And I love that it is in small enough bites that I can disperse the new feelings and thoughts throughout the day
Dagmar · March 23, 2022 at 3:20 pm
This morning I woke up by birds singing and sunshine came through the window. This is joy!!!!!
In the afternoon I made a walk in the sun and saw the sun dancing on the water of a small river. This is joy too!!
Eithne · March 23, 2022 at 7:31 am
I can identify with your post Patricia on listening to music and how powerful it is. I too dance around my kitchen to some music often with the brush as my husband does not dance. Thank you Christine for that gift
Patricia Best · March 22, 2022 at 10:12 pm
Day 3
Grateful to Christine for the gift of Variations on Pachelbel’s Kanon by George Winston, which also lead to listening to George Winston Greatest Hits Full Abum 2021 – Best Piano Music By George Winston.
My husband is out of the house, so I take the opportunity to listen to some music and dance!
Although I don’t listen to much music these days except prayers and mantras, classical music has never been on the top of my list. So I start thinking of an alternative—maybe listening to Fleetwood Mac or something more outrageous as Freddie Mercury, however, I decide why not classical?
So, listening to Pachelbel—I searched for more—and found they did bring the joy of not only listening and hearing, but also the joy of movement. I never studied ballet but sometimes I come back to its flowing movements and feeling as if my body knows what to do—with grace. Then a sense of silliness arises and I laugh as I stumble through forgotten forms.
This also sends me to listen to more of those songs that shook my world many years ago… like the first time I heard Santana… such a vibrant and unexpected new sound. It was so alive, bringing everyone in with its mesmerizing youthful and tantalizing arousal. It filled the whole environment with heightened joyful desire and with it into my body and connecting to all who were there in the Cow Palace, San Francisco, CA, 1969! So now feeling grateful for those rare moments of total abandon given for just being there.
And the gift from Christine that led me there!
Eithne · March 22, 2022 at 7:53 pm
I am enjoying the challenge and I am surprised at the moments of joy I have noticed since starting the Meditation. I’m also surprised at my lack of awareness of the joy that is ever present. . Regards to you all Eithne.
Andrea · March 22, 2022 at 6:02 pm
Liebe Gisela, ich bin seit August krank und kenne das Gefühl der Isolation sehr gut, besonders in der dunklen Jahreszeit. Tägliches Meditieren hat mir in dieser schweren Zeit sehr geholfen. Ich habe vor vielen Jahren krankheitsbedingt aufgehört, Nachrichten anzuschauen und die Tageszeitung zu lesen, um mich vor Negatvitaet zu schützen. Möge das warme Licht der Frühlingssonne und das Licht der Meditation Licht, Freude und Zuversicht an dein Krankenbett bringen.
Gisela · March 25, 2022 at 4:20 pm
Vielen Dank, liebe Andrea. Seit Beginn der Challenge geht es mir etwas besser, obwohl ich in dieser Woche sehr schlechte Nachrichten bekommen habe, meine Wohnsituation betreffend.
Macht mir Angst.
ich versuche mich aus den schlechten Vorahnungen und Befürchtungen durch die Übung Joyfullness emporzuziehen (Richtung Himmel). Immer wieder mal gelingt mir das. Mir geht es jetzt auch gesundheitlich besser und das ist ja ein
Grund für Dankbarkeit.
pat best · March 22, 2022 at 4:36 pm
First of all, my motivation: Through many years of meditations of many kinds, even Loving-Kindness, I decided it was time to go deeper… Thank you Christine!
Day 2: Christine’s question: What is joy?
Being aware of a specific question with the intent of bringing it alive has made what I’ve been noticing lately in myself has brought it more to the forefront of my awareness.
Naming it through it’s variety of feeling and how it changes has a joy in itself.
Sometimes it starts with a spark of seeing a bulb planted in the fall bloom even before the official announcement of spring. Or the full moon rising behind bare winter branches, a mother deer walking with her children, the multiplicity of bird calls—all with naked simplicity.
The spark changes to a warmth and expansive feeling of compassion, mixed with sorrow—wanting to share the meaning of these thoughts with others… and yet hesitation arises with understanding that words won’t describe what I’m experiencing.
Dagmar · March 22, 2022 at 1:40 pm
When we first did this meditation on Sunday with Christine, I managed it very well. On my own it was more difficult. To be honest I cannot remember joy in the past and can remember only some moments of happyness. What I can do is feeling joy in the nature, so I start with this in my meditation.
André · March 22, 2022 at 9:02 am
So grateful having been “dragged” into this challenge 🙂 – happy memories first difficult to undust… all of a sudden pop up in my mind… so cool to reactivate them!!!
Wish to everybody here – especially those with a heavy heart and tough circumstances to get courrage and see the light at the end of the tunnel – Lots of Love
Jet · March 22, 2022 at 7:59 am
I was confronted to realise I could not remember very happy moment although I know I have, but coming from the dark in a bright sunny day brought a smile and was easy, as it is sunny days today. I realise I put too high standards to call a moment or memory happy, there is always something not happy. I hope to change in thisv14 day challenge and plan to note end of every day ” happy moments” to be grateful, so pay more attention to it
Andrea · March 21, 2022 at 7:04 pm
I enjoyed the Celtic blessing very much. After doing the meditation this morning every now and then a big smile appeared in my face and my eyes began to sparkle. Isn’t that great?
Marie · March 21, 2022 at 12:13 pm
The main reason to participate is to make my own critic learn to laugh more often
Emilie · March 21, 2022 at 11:26 am
I hope, this can be translated, when I write my comment in German?
Ich hatte mich gefragt, ob jetzt gerade die passende Zeit für mich ist, an der Challenge teilzunehmen, nachdem sehr viele traurige und herausfordende Situationenin der Familie, im Freundeskreis und dazu mit der Kriegssituation etc in mein Leben “schwappen” und ich will euch allen einfach nur sagen: Jaaaa, es ist exakt die richtige Zeit, denn aus der Erfahrung, die wir nun erst zwei Tage miteinander teilen, kann ich für mich nur feststellen, dass jetzt bereits eine andere “Melodie” in meiner körperlichen Verfassung, in meiner Seele und in meinem Geist sich breit macht als eine klare, zutiefst dankbare Energie, von der ich mich leiten lassen kann in tiefem Vertrauen.
So bin ich euch, die ihr es so schwer gerade habt, sehr verbunden!
Christine Longaker · March 21, 2022 at 11:34 am
Here’s Emilie’s comment in English (hopefully):
I had wondered if now is the right time for me to participate in the challenge after a lot of sad and challenging situations in the family, in the circle of friends and with the war situation etc “swag” into my life and I just want to tell you all: Jaaaa, it is exactly the right time, because from the experience that we share with each other for two days, I now can find for myself another “melody” in my physical condition, in my soul and in my mind is spreading as a clear, deeply grateful Energy from which I can be guided in deep trust.
So I am very connected to all of you who have it so hard right now!
Anne · March 21, 2022 at 8:12 am
Hi this really made me laugh. I’m Irish and grew up with quite a bit of nationalism so I enjoy the joke. Also the muppet show always brought us together as a family in my childhood. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HEp9M8EtwDg&feature=youtu.be
Anne · March 21, 2022 at 8:55 am
Something about laughing at the part that loves to be miserable ?
Gisela · March 20, 2022 at 12:45 pm
Ich bin seit Wochen schwer erkrankt und fühle mich eingeschlossen und isoliert.
Die Enttäuschung über die Freunde, die sich seit Wochen nicht mehr melden, schmerzt.
Hinzu kommt der unendliche Schmerz der Menschen in der Ukraine, der mir in meiner
Abgeschiedenheit so nahe geht und ich im Moment keinen Weg finde zu helfen.
Seit Tagen schaue ich mit Zuversicht und Hoffnung auf den Beginn des 14-Tage Seminars – die Aussicht hier zu lernen Freude zu etablieren hilft. Bei der ersten Meditation heute hatte ich Schwierigkeiten mich an solche Situationen zu errinnen. Aber ich weiß das wird besser.
Christine Longaker · March 20, 2022 at 3:13 pm
I am so sorry you’ve not been feeling well Gisela, that must be really difficult. I hope the Challenge gives you some support. You have all my love. Es tut mir so leid, dass es dir nicht gut geht Gisela, das muss wirklich schwer sein. Ich hoffe, die Challenge gibt Ihnen etwas Unterstützung. Du hast meine ganze Liebe.
Siglind · March 20, 2022 at 7:34 pm
Gisela, Das tut mir sehr leid. Wäre es dir möglich, dich in dieser Situation mehr zu schützen? Z.B vor Kriegs-Nachrichten?
Gisela · March 25, 2022 at 4:58 pm
Vielen Dank an alle, besonders an Christine, die mir mit ihrem Mitgefühl beigestanden und auch hilfreiche Ratschläge gegeben haben.
Mir geht es inzwischen gesundheitlich besser. Dafür bin ich sehr dankbar.
Am erste Tag der Challenge habe ich 2 Situationen in meinem Leben gefunden, die in mir immer Glück und Leichtigkeit hervorrufen. So gelang die Meditation mit Christine sehr gut und dadurch ging es mir sowieso viel besser. Ein Problem tauchte auf, auch die nächsten Tage, dass ich diese kurzen Glücksmomente nicht halten konnte und mein Geist immer wieder zu schlechten Erfahrungen, die es in diesem Lebenszyklus gab, weiter lief. ich versuche ihn immer wieder zurück zu holen. Erschrocken war ich dass ich mich nur an 2 Augenblicke erinnern konnte, so ungefähr, war mein Leben so freudlos?
Da am Anfan der challenge meine Depression, die auch Hass in mir erzeugte, so stark war, konnte ich das Gute, die Freude, nicht an Freunde etc. weitegeben, ich war wie versteinert und schämte mich etwas.
Grundsätzlich gelang mir auch am 2. Tag die täglichen Glücksmomente immer wieder zu erinnern. Es blieb aber immer bei diesen beiden Glücksmomenten.
Aber ich hatte schon Schwierigkeiten in der Meditation diese Momente klar abzurufen, aber es schlichen sich schemenhaft andere Erinnerungen des Glücks oder Wohlbefinden aus meinem Leben ein.
3. Tag bisher der unerfreulichste, mit wiederkehrenden sehr unglücklichen Verschattungen. die immer noch zwei Glücksmomente verblassten, wie abgenutzt.
Versuchte mich aus dem depressiven Sumpf herauszuziehen, gegen den Himmel (ich liebe diese Vorstellung).
Am 4. Tag bemerkte ich, dass ich mich, wenn ich die Freude nach der Meditation installiere, und noch sitzenbleibe, sehr viel mehr mag. Das ist ein tolles Gefühl.
Tag 5. In der Meditation habe ich einen kleinen Augenblick gefühlt, dass die Ängste und Niedergeschlagenheit erstens temporär sind und das Glücksgefühl oberhalb der alltäglichen Probleme angesiedelt ist.(ähnlich wie im Buddhismus das Relative und das Absolute) Ich hatte das erste Mal eine Vorstellung, dass die Lebensfreude und das Glück eigentlich immer da sind.
Tag 5. bescherte mir die Erkenntnis wodurch Gefühle des Glücks in meinem bisherigen Leben auftraten. Ich war doch erstaunt und hatte eigentlich ganz andere Vorstellungen von mir und was ich für mein Glück und meine Freude brauche.
Jetzt bin ich neugierig auf den 6. Tag mit einer neuen Meditation.
Mögen alle, während dieser zwei Wochen Glück und Freude erfahren.
Andrea · March 22, 2022 at 6:01 pm
Liebe Gisela, ich bin seit August krank und kenne das Gefühl der Isolation sehr gut, besonders in der dunklen Jahreszeit. Tägliches Meditieren hat mir in dieser schweren Zeit sehr geholfen. Ich habe vor vielen Jahren krankheitsbedingt aufgehört, Nachrichten anzuschauen und die Tageszeitung zu lesen, um mich vor Negatvitaet zu schützen. Möge das warme Licht der Frühlingssonne und das Licht der Meditation Licht, Freude und Zuversicht an dein Krankenbett bringen.
Chez · March 20, 2022 at 12:07 pm
I have chosen to try the challenge during a stressful time of moving house to hopefully help me cope, feel Joy and to learn tools to divert anxiety thru my move and in the future.
Eithne · March 19, 2022 at 6:44 pm
I feel covid has isolated me. ,I would appreciate the support of others,, and learn ways to feel joy.
Ryūmon · March 29, 2022 at 10:03 pm
Sending support and warm hug across space and time! One way I feel joy is to follow the Moon, in particular, the Full (completion) and the New (beginnings) Moons. No need to do No Thing, except, lift my gaze to the vast night sky!
Judith · March 19, 2022 at 4:54 pm
I am curious to share this experience with you and learn a lot.
Dagmar · March 19, 2022 at 4:16 pm
I really enjoy regularly Christine’s deep wisdom and insights in her Sunday open meditation. So I am really curious about this challenge.
Lee · March 15, 2022 at 9:13 am
I am really happy to join this Challenge, I need it in my life instead of focusing on all that’s going wrong.
Christine Longaker · March 14, 2022 at 11:26 am
Hello everyone. Feel free to introduce youself and share something about why you’re here.
Siglinde Kälin · March 20, 2022 at 10:29 am
There are many reasons to join here. Main thing is, I am puzzled about my situation being a pensioner now. This means there is no main goal anymore. I have to set my priorities anew. Meditating seems to be a means to gain insight into what is needed and what is right to do.