Guided meditation: Feeling Worthy of Love

Please click both the titles to download:

Feeling Worthy of Love Main Meditation

Feeling Worthy of Love Introduction

Die Meditation Sich der Liebe wert fühlen 

Sich der Liebe wert fühlenMain Meditation

Sich der Liebe wert fühlenIntroduction

La meditación ““Sentirse digno de amor” 

“Sentirse digno de amor”Main Meditation

“Sentirse digno de amor”Introduction


Français   Se sentir digne de l’amour

Se sentir digne de l’amourMain Meditation

Se sentir digne de l’amourIntroduction     

If you found this helpful, and want to experience additional meditations, you can preview the entire album:”Joy, Ease and Self-Forgiveness” on this link.

Additional gifts

Dialogue for Clearing Unfinished Business – English

Ein Dialog Zum Beenden Unerledigter Angelegenheiten

La méthode pour clore les affaires non réglées

Resources for healing & facing death

Easing Grief – free resources

Two chapters from my book, Facing Death and Finding Hope

     Chapter 3: The Needs of the Dying, in their own voice

     Chapter 11: Healing Bereavement

Click here to download a free pdf of these two chapters


To buy the print or e-book of Facing Death (US edition): click here

See the album of Self-compassion meditations


Klicken Sie hier für Deutsch download pdf of two chapters

Kaufe das deutsch print or e-book











Pour télécharger deux chapitres gratuits

Pour acheter l’édition française: Trouver l’espoir face à la mort









©2018, text and photo Christine Longaker


“Here’s the most important thing: I want you to see me as a whole person, not as a disease, or a tragedy, or a fragile piece of glass.  Do not look at me with pity but rather with all of your love and compassion.  Even though I am facing death, I am still living.” 

—from The Needs of the Dying, by Christine Longaker